
Grab Your Bluetooth Headphones & Get Some Outdoor Exercise

Get Out and Get Fit

Bluetooth Headphones are the perfect way to take your music wherever you go. They’re especially great for keeping your head bopping while you do your favourite exercise.

The great outdoors and green exercising provides several physical and health benefits.  A common barrier from being outdoors and exercising is the time factor.  As opposed to indoor gyms, green exercise boosts your mental health.  Listening to your favorite music or meditation using wireless headphones can make exercising less stressful and moving around much easier.  

Here are just a few benefits of green exercising: 

Mood Enhancer 

Studies have proved that going outdoors daily, reduces depression. anger and improves your mood. Being exposed to sunlight also helps the body produce Vitamin D which in turn improves your mood. To reap the benefits of outdoor and green exercising does not mean you have to join boot camps or run marathons.   Take a 15 minute walk for a quick pick me up after sitting at your PC for hours and you will come back feeling totally refreshed  and energized.  

Connecting With Nature 

Connecting with mother nature is one of the greatest benefits of outdoor exercise. Green exercising help you feel grounded, enhances your appreciation of the beauty surrounding you, and deepens your connection to the environment. If you are walking, running or riding a bike or sitting and meditating you can use your Bluetooth earphones to block out noise and listen to some soothing music.  

Change Your Exercising Environment 

Instead of working out in a noisy gym, the outdoors allow you to enjoy multiple benefits that include fresh air and sunshine. There is a multitude of spots fields, jogging trails, exercise parks and areas where you can get a good work out and allows you to explore new training venues in nature. If there is a beach near you, you can swim after walking or exercising and come home feeling totally invigorated and refreshed and ready to start your day. 

Reduces Stress and Lowers Blood Pressure 

Physical activities outdoors has been proved to lower the heart rate and blood pressure. Being near trees and greenery provides cleaner air and hence better oxygen levels which aids blood circulation and  helps to clear toxins from the body. If you want to listen to music in a dense area where you are exercising with your bluetooth headphones is ideal as it uses low power signals with no interference. 

Boost Your Self Esteem 

Studies have revealed that green exercising can improve self esteem. Outdoor activities that improve self esteem include, gardening, cycling, walking, fishing, and horseback riding. Being close to water and greenery and doing yoga or low to moderate intensity exercises, enhances your self esteem, as opposed to indoor exercising. 

headphones for running

Helps With Insomnia 

You get fresh air and sunshine when exercising outdoors, which helps to alleviate insomnia. Doing regular exercise and breathing in fresh air, helps you fall asleep and will improves the quality of sleep. Sunshine increases oxidation in the tissues and provides energy to the muscles.   

If you are new to exercise do not allow the prospects of outdoor activities to scare you. Start off with lighter and shorter activities.  Kids love the outdoors as well, so take your kids along and choose a place that has a adjacent playground.  No matter if you walking you kids to school, running or cycling, any form of exercise counts. Remember to take along sunscreen and a bottle of water and stay hydrated.

Even if you can’t get out, you could always put some nature sounds on and play them through your bluetooth headphones, to get a slice of nature somewhere in your mind.

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